Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Filter - Erkenntnis Theorie

Just a little post for today, at least right now. This post is related to yesterdays Warner Brothers post and there will be another one (maybe later today) that's in a similar vein, but that doesn't mean I've got another one of those comps yet. Sorry. Anyway, this is Filter's 1994 demo tape, Erkenntnis Theorie, of which the version of Hey Man, Nice Shot contained herein appeared on one of the Trademark Of Quality compilations. It's not that different from the finished versions on the Short Bus album, but it's interesting to show the progess made between these versions and the final mixes. The mixes are probably the biggest difference between these versions, as the vocals and guitars sound pretty much the same, but the drums and other elements sound rather rough. Those may have been re-recorded, but clearly the band was satisfied with their work for the most part.

The biggest find on this demo tape has been officially released, but I wouldn't blame anyone for not knowing it. The fourth track on the tape is named Cracker-Dicta, and it is actually an early version of White Like That recorded on a Dictaphone tape machine. It's super-rough, to the point of asking why anyone would want to release it, let alone put it on a demo, but it is certainly interesting to listen to. I guess it's a window into the early days of Richard Patrick's creative process, and it's very spooky to listen to, but I wouldn't have let anyone at a record label hear it.

Filter - Erkenntnis Theorie (1994 Demo)

01 Hey Man, Nice Shot
02 Dose
03 Take Another
04 Cracker-Dicta

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