Saturday, October 10, 2009

Updates and Stuff (I hope I didn't piss off Carl Craig)

I guess October is gonna be a rough month for me guys. Work is great but it's keeping me really busy, which means I haven't had as much time to update the site as I usually do. That said, I think next week will be more normal and I've got several posts almost ready to go.

Sadly, I think I pissed off Carl Craig. Now, I don't want to hear anything about people sending hate mail towards him or whatever, what happened is I contacted his PR people about an interview. Initially they were up for it but when they saw I had posted all the 69 EPs, despite being out of print in their original forms and edits apart from the vinyl box set, they said Carl would probably not do an interview with a site like mine. I quickly removed the files and confirmed this with them, and they said they'd let me know about the interview, but I haven't heard back from anyone so I guess it's not happening. I want to let you know though, Carl's people are VERY COOL! They did not pitch a fit or anything, they were extremely professional and made it clear in a very friendly way, so no one should complain about stuck-up artists and their people or anything like that. Carl is class and so are the people he works with. Anyway, who knows, maybe down the road that interview might happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

A few interviews have happened that I'm going to be writing about really soon. David Noller of Dynamix II spoke to me recently and he's given me permission to post a really cool compilation of his stuff. Very cool guy! Sean Carlin from Dink/Kind took me to a rehearsal for Kind that rocked! I'd like to talk to him a little more before I write my post but there is nothing wrong with two posts about some kick ass people. Rom from Phoenecia/Schematic said he has some more exclusive stuff for me to post and that should be coming soon. I've also sent off some questions to Richard Devine and I was contacted by David Williams who engineered on the Jungle Brothers' Crazy Wisdom Masters album. Mr. Williams said he would try to contact me soon about my questions, but he's been very busy with family issues, so I hope everything is alright for him and his family and friends.

Finally, next week I will be re-uploading several files which I've been told have become broken over time, so Monday or Tuesday will be dedicated specifically to that. Let me know if anyone has had any problems with files that they haven't written about previously.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll see you all back here Monday!


PS - Get the new Flaming Lips album, it's crazy!

PS 2 - I'm sincerely sorry if I upset you Carl.

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