Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nerd Rock

Well now, this might come as a shock giving the fact that a predominantly punk,ska,hc blog makes an entry about nerd rock. As shocking as it may seems I found nothing unusual in that. You see, nerd rock is nothing more than a ordinary rock performed by less than ordinary people. Thing is that often such nerd acts makes very catchy songs. By all means among nerd rock bands there some that are damn good. So good they are that in fact I decided to make an entry about this particular music style to highlight their musical genius. Even better is that these bands often touch on such subjects as comic book, video games and so on. And after all this how can you not love them?

In this particular article I'm gonna show you six acts that are considered nerd rock. For me they're really good and deserve more exposure. Two (or maybe three) of them already got it but I'm not sure about the others. Anyway in consecutive order I give you Kirby Krackle, I Fight Dragons, Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, Nerf Herder and the programmer turned rocker Jonathan Coulton. Enjoy!

Kirbie Krackle myspace

I Fight Dragons myspace

Barenaked Ladies myspace

They Might Be Giants myspace

Nerf Herder myspace

Jonathan Coulton myspace

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