Sunday, April 10, 2011

cool stuff all around...

All around great person and excellent blogger, That Girl With A Blog, pointed out that Fiona Apple's next album got a story on Billboard's website last year. You can check it here. It says the album is expected in Spring, but since we haven't heard anything new I'm sure it's been pushed back, but this also means it's almost assuredly happening! Very good news indeed! Also, That Girl... has a really good post comparing both versions of Extraordinary Machine that's well worth your time to read.

Another all around great person and regular visitor here, Irish Craig, is also an excellent blogger and has a killer site called Hot As Balls which you should examine immediately! He's got an incredible video from MTV circa 1988 where hip-hop producers explain how to sample music and make new records from them, as well as showing then-contemporary artists sharing their views on sampling. Debbie Gibson sounds a little ignorant, Steve Winwood looks incredibly young, Tommy Boy has a terribly inept lawyer and LL Cool J gives a great analogy about sampling and artists receiving credit for their work. Go check that video and the rest of his site because it's great stuff!

I've gotta write R.U. Sirius back about Mondo Vanilli. Heard the album and it's very good stuff! I'm sure the powers that were in charge of Interscope and Nothing Records circa 1995 thought their record wasn't deserving of a release due to it's being a niche market item, but that's what was so great about Nothing Records, Trent Reznor's aesthetic and so many other things of that era. Did anyone really expect The Downward Spiral to be a hit? First time I heard it I thought to myself, "gee, this is really weird. there's some good stuff here but damn this is strange. why would anyone want to write a song where they basically kill themselves? are my speakers alright or did they just do a crappy job of mastering this album?" Yeah, I thought ALL of that. I'm sure Trent had less to do with the MV's album's non-release than John "are you sure I owe you money?" Malm Jr. and Jimmy " is a genius!" Iovine did. That's just the kind of world Interscope/WEA/Universal and all of those labels lived in circa 95. New Music from Death Row? GREAT! Marilyn Manson will scare the shit out of people? GREAT! The Downward Spiral is so dark that most people will think Trent Reznor is a satanist? GREAT! Cyberpunks and comic book writers are leading legendary movements that are changing the world as we know it and have something to say? WHO WANTS THAT CRAP?

Okay, time for a Dave3 certified, TRUE STORY! For my sophomore year in high school, my family moved to a small country town. A few weeks before school began I visited a little record shop in that town, easily the most unique thing to be found and also the place most likely to shut down, which it did about two years later since they charged $12 dollars for samplers with $5 stickers printed on them. Anyway, while I was there I bought a NIN Broken t-shirt as I wanted to, how do you say it?, represent my favorite band. Every kid in my school told me that NIN were devil worshipers and that I was going to hell for wearing their shirt. The next year, when Closer was released to video and radio, every kid in school wanted to let me know that NIN were the best band ever and that Closer was awesome! I was glad people would finally hear NIN, but I wanted all those kids to eat the flat, circular pizza like food that looked similar to vomit and get minor cases of food poisoning, enough to remind them NOT TO BE POSEURS. And yes, my description of the pizza-like substance that was passed off as food is accurate. It was actually a very popular lunch option.

Anyway, it's a glorious Sunday, I'm not working at my job which devours my soul when 80 year old people try to convince me I'm an awful human being, and that makes everything alright. And tomorrow... FLAC PARTY!

Oh yeah, go here and have a laugh! It's where I stole the above image from.


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