Friday, August 27, 2010

The State's Album Gets An Official Release!!!!!

This is a really quick post folks because I'm about to walk out the door, but I thought this was important. Before I continue though, thanks to everyone who has written to me about Fripp and Belew! Your advice has been excellent and I'm in the process of checking out everything that's been suggested. I have a post of something rare that was provided to me that's Fripp related coming up, but first...

It has been brought to my attention that The State's unreleased comedy album, Comedy For Gracious Living, will see a limited release on September 10th this year via Rhino Handmade! Now, my opinion of Rhino Handmade has fallen since their miserable handling of the original Stooges reissue, and I should warn people that their purchases could potentially be delayed, but this is an essential release and a truly rare opportunity to procure an item which would otherwise have never gained official release status. I will be purchasing a copy regardless of Rhino Handmade's troubles and suggest if you love The State and the album that you do too, especially since it will only be $19.98! There is no word as to how limited this release is, and something tells me they're not expecting a huge swarm of purchases, so if you really want one I'd suggest you place an order soon. I've gotta wait till the first of September but my order is pretty much written in stone!

With the official release of this album, even in a limited status, I will be deleting the download links from all posts related to this album when it is released, although the articles will remain online. Hopefully a digital download is also made available if there is enough interest. A link to the official Rhino Handmade release page for the album is below as well as a link to the original article from here. Please support The State and purchase a copy of this excellent album when it is released!

Rhino Handmade: The State - Comedy For Gracious Living

My original post on this album

On a few related notes, I have no idea if The State are getting paid for this release, but let's hope they are. That said, I'm sure you've noticed I've linked the hell out of this post to the official Rhino Handmade site in hopes people check this out. This is just too cool! Makes me wonder, although I will never take credit for leaking the album (apparently someone from the group gave it away as part of a contest and David Wain has even spoken publicly about the album, and I originally got it from some very friendly folks at MySpleen), might my original article have contributed to the album's official release? Okay, I'm finished kissing my own ass, if you love it grab it, and if you don't know check out the original post and download it while it's still available. Later!

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